- Description
There are numerous activities from scuba diving to parachuting that require an EMERGENCY CUTTING TOOL (E.C.T.) as a mandatory piece of equipment, to be carried on every activity specifically for self rescue or for the assistance of others.
While the EEZYCUT TRILOBITE stands out as an incredible cutting device on it’s own, it is also an ideal choice of E.C.T. There are important safety differences between the two, even though one tool traditionally serves both purposes.
A cutting device is a tool which is carried in anticipation of using it, where it’s use is pre planned. An E.C.T. however, is a tool to be used in an emergency, and should be treated as such. In general, you plan to use a cutting device, but you plan to NOT use an E.C.T. Your need to carry a cutting device is optional. Your need to carry an E.C.T. is mandatory.
An E.C.T. needs to be fit for purpose. Like a fire extinguisher or insurance, you do not plan to use it. It needs to be well maintained, and regularly inspected. Get to know how the tool works before you are confronted with an emergency. Locate the tool in an accessible area, especially when you may unexpectedly have restricted movement or limited visibility.
The EEZYCUT TRILOBITE has two sides, and so it has REDUNDANCY built into its design, but nothing can replace the true redundant safety feature of two completely independent E.C.T.’s. TheTRILOBITE‘s size and effectiveness fits in easily to any inventory of cutting tools, or for carrying multiple TRILOBITE.
- Reviews